Saturday 4 July 2015

Graduation 2015... A Mother's Perspective

This June I got to enjoy Graduation with my last child, my girl.  Graduation plans for my daughter did not begin one or two months before grad.  It began in September of the year that they are graduating.  You know those timelines that they have in magazines for your wedding?  Grad should have one too.  In September you need to book your hair appointment for the day of grad and for a hair trial.  If you don't know what a hair trial is it is basically a practice round to be sure your hair looks exactly the way you want it to look for grad day.  So, you need to book a hair trial and a make up trial to be sure you look perfect for THE DAY.  You will spend weeks checking out pinterest for hair up dos, smoky eyes and the perfect gown.

In December when the rest of you were Christmas shopping and wrapping gifts we were out looking for THE dress.  Three moms and three teenage girls with a itinerary planned and high hopes we headed out.  You soon realize that what you thought was a reasonable sum of money to spend on a dress is going to have your daughter wearing a bedazzled sackcloth.  You rearrange your budget in your mind, contemplate eating bread and water for a few months and continue on.  Sadly, the perfect dress was not found that day but Christmas shopping was done and we drove home listening to the Duck Dynasty Gang singing Christmas Carols.

We did find THE DRESS a week or two later.  Daddy and the two moms came this time and the purse strings were stretched a little further.   From the dressing room there emerged this beautiful 17 year old girl in a jewelled, hot pink dress and we all knew this was the one for her.  A little side...when did this happen?  She went in the dressing room to try on her bathing suit for summer camp, her first bra, a dress for her first dance and out she emerges in a grad dress.  Tears are shed and wiped away... we don't have time to cry, what is next on the list.

Grad is all about the Grad and when it is a girl, oh it s so about the Grad.  How can we make it even more special? We volunteer.  We go to meetings, make plans and set up committees to decorate, prepare food and plan events.

I won't bore you with the months from January til June.  I will let you experience it on your own.  Skip ahead to the week of Grad or even better the day of the event that you have been planning for since September.  The Grad gets up early to get her hair done.  Oh no, she forgot her pin for her hair and Mom has no car.  Mom hops on her bike and pedals quickly, her chain falls off, she gets grease all over her hands but the hair pin is still clean.  She runs into the salon in a sweaty tank top, jean shorts and wet hair and hands over the pin.  Thanks Mom!  Back she goes home to prepare a lunch for the fam and prepare herself.  My plan was to be spending the last months working out and getting into some skinny girl dress and look half my age and everyone at the Grad would be like is this your oldest.  No, this is my baby.  Oh honey, you look so good.  You must have had her when you were 12.  That dream vanished and I emerged in a lovely blue dress with some spanx and trying to adapt the attitude... What the heck, this is me :)

The family all gathered together for pictures and it was special.  Grads are milling about with families and other grads and everyone is posing for pictures.  Oldest brother is following the princess around and snapping pictures on command.  It was a special moment!  Can't cry because I can't remember if my mascara is waterproof.  The day flies by with the ceremony, dinner and the party.  That was my girl!  The one in the beautiful hot pink dress with the flashy, flowery shoes.  That was my girl!  The one who walked across the stage and accepted her diploma.  That was my girl!  Dancing on the dance floor until 3:00 am.  And that was her mom standing on the sidelines smiling and remembering the last 18 years and thanking God that He gave me such a beautiful, kind, enthusiastic, caring girl.

We did it Moms!  We raised those girls without too much incident.  Celebrate your contribution to getting them up on that stage and watching them walk across to accept their diploma.

Saturday 6 October 2012

Sisters...can't imagine life without them

This summer I have been lucky to spend one week with each of my sisters.  My sister in Winnipeg and I got a week together while our kids were each at camps.  We relaxed, went out for lunches, went on great bike rides through Assiniboine Forest and hung out.  It was great!  It is rare that we get time without kids to distract us and prevent us from visiting. In September I went to Colorado Springs where my youngest sister and her family lives.  The scenery is amazing and the weather was great.  We spent time together hanging out with the mountains on one side and Garden of the Gods on the other.   We shopped, got a pedi, went out to eat, hiked and just spent time together.

Many of my friends have commented on how lucky I am to have sisters and more importantly sisters that I get along with.  You know I don't take it for granted either.  When we were growing up it was not always this way.  My sister Melanie (she is two years younger) and I have had our moments.  We had to share a bedroom for a couple of years and we had the masking tape down the room and my side was the messy side and hers was the neat side.  We fought, called each other names and pretty much stayed out of each others way.  My younger sister, Monica who is six years younger was the baby that I took care of at home.  If I told her I was going to cut her hair she would let me and even though it looked like a person with a knife had cut it she did not complain.  I really took the role of older sister to heart with her and become a strong caregiver.

Over the years we have dealt with our parents divorcing, family tragedies and raising kids together.  We have sought out each others advice and email and chat one another for opinions, to vent and suggestions.  I really can't imagine life without them.  So, many others don't understand why they do not have that connection with their sister and I feel for them.  I need my sisters to just get through the week.  My life would not be the same without them and I am blessed to have them. When I have gone through struggles my sisters were the ones who checked up on me, called me, pushed me along, encouraged me and laughed and cried with me.  My one sister gave me a little sign that says "how do people make it through life without a sister?" I have no idea and I am so glad that I don't have to find out,

Thursday 21 June 2012

A Life Without God

Sometimes I look for different ideas of what I want to write about.  It will sometimes be a short story that I end up typing on my computer or it might be a couple of chapters or sometimes it is just a blog.  I get ideas from experiences, family and friends.  Today my ideas came from God.  He planted them and I thought instead of letting them fall in hard ground and not let them take root which I will sometimes do I thought that I would give them roots and let this thought grow.

I don't know about you but I go through periods in my life where I don't feel the need for God.  He doesn't leave me but He steps aside and lets me flounder.  I say these childish prayers before bed and figure that will be enough.  I'll throw out little prayers here and there without much thought.  I won't read my bible but instead read a Christian novel which I think will be enough because at least I am not reading some crappy harlequin romance.  Sorry, to those that like them but honestly?  I become a little more critical, less tolerant of others, colder, less loving and caring dissatisfied with life, obsessed with small things, etc.  Just to name a few.  That is my life without God.

I know that there are many in this world that do not have a life with God.  They have chosen a permanent life without God and they are happy.  They are great people, making a difference in the world, can fully function without having to go to God to help them along the way.  They may believe in a type of God or believe in a higher being but they do not need their God to get through life.  How do they do it?  I really contemplated this question today.  How is it possible to live a fulfilling life without God and how is is possible to live a fulfilling life with God?  Do you lie in bed at night wondering if you are making a difference in this world or if you are following God's direction to make a difference in this world?

I go through many ups and downs.  Sometimes they are self inflicted and other times they are hormone inflicted.  Darn hormones!  I already told you in paragraph two about those moods and how I become quite a boot.  I am not one that can have a smooth sailing life without having to work on it.  I need to work on it.  I need to force myself to see the good in things some days instead of going the opposite way.  Not always fun but when I let God take over He shows me the good that I miss when I do it on my own.  My days and even weeks that I push God aside are selfish weeks.  They are self centred, feeling sorry for myself weeks.  I NEED GOD!  I may think at times that it is hard to sit down and read my Bible or write in my journal or spend time in prayer with Him BUT the alternative for me is a selfish life.  If I don't put God first in my life I miss the opportunities to reach out to others because I am not listening to Him.  My children need me to put God first in my life.  My family and friends need me to put God first in my life.  They need me to immerse my life in Him to let His Grace pour over me and let it saturate into every pore of my being.

Many have lived their lives without God and they have remained happy, well adjusted people (at least on the outside).  Me, I can't live my life without God and honestly, why would I want to.  Can a life without God be all that it is meant to be?

Sunday 27 May 2012


Why do some of us give up after a "so called" failure?  We try out for something and don't get chosen.  We try and jog that first mile as we begin our training for a marathon and collapse at our doorstep.  We try and write a short story for the local paper and receive the rejection letter in the mail.  Whatever it may be for you; we try to achieve something that we feel we are good at or something we have been dreaming of doing and the powers that decide our fate turn us down.  We give up and decide there is no point in trying again because we are bound to fail.  Some may say that we are lacking in confidence and need to read a few self help books on self esteem and build ourselves up.  Maybe we are seeing the glass as half empty instead of half full.  Whatever the reason is we have given up on pursuing our dream or passion because one person out there did not feel we made the cut.

The other day I was talking to my daughter on the subject of failure.  It's such a strong word to use so I sugar coated it a little by saying 'not accomplishing something that you had set out to do.'  That really is what failure is.  Anyway, I was talking to her about it and I thought I would say something profound to make my point.  So I said, do you know Einstein did not invent the light bulb the first time he tried.  She looks at me with a funny look.  In my mind I am thinking this is not the contemplative look that I thought she should be using at this point in the conversation.  So, I repeated it again to be sure she understand my point.  You know kids...they never listen the first time.  She said to me "Mom, you know that Einstein did not invent the light bulb?"  There went my moment of trying to sound wise.  So, we laughed and it helped lighten the conversation and made her mother look like a fool once again.

 There are so many great authors, actors/actresses, writers, inventors, athletes and a host of other people that have had rejection after rejection, failure after failure, disappointment after disappointment.  We don't know about the ones that never made it.  We only know about the ones that do.  They are in our history books, in the newspaper articles that we read and in the media that we see.  Can you imagine how often they felt like giving up along the way?  Something pushed them to succeed.  Somewhere along the road they saw a glimmer of hope and they followed that light.

We are our own worst enemy .  We eat some chocolate and give up on our new weight loss plan because we will never be able to stick with it.  We plan a party for a group of friends and the only one that shows up is our mom.  We apply for a new position at work and don't get the job so we give up on trying to move up the corporate ladder.  There are so many little things along the way that we may think that we fail at and we throw in the towel instead of stepping up.  Look at all of those people that try out for American/Canadian Idol and Canada's/America's Got Talent.  Some of the worst auditions come out saying I am not giving up I know that I can win this thing?  How does someone that bad have such confidence and not see it is a failure?  Why is it the ones that may really have a chance to do well do not see themselves in the same way as the not so good ones?

I think failure gives us the opportunity to learn, gather together our emotions, give ourselves that little pick me up speech and move on.  Maybe that next time will be the right time and the time that you will succeed.

Sunday 15 January 2012

A New Year, Another Year Older, New Opportunities

January can be a tough month for me.  It's January and it is usually cold which prevents me from going biking or jogging outside.  It is my birthday month and sometimes it is not so much the growing older part that gets to me but more so have I seen a change in myself in the last year.  Have I grown spiritually and emotionally but not physically (I am not trying to grow in that area - my hips are a good size and I don't want them getting bigger)?  That is the part that has me dragging my butt and feeling the winter blues hit.  Have I become a better person and grown into the individual that God has called me to be?

In the past year I have changed up my eating.  I have been eating healthy and left meat and dairy for others to enjoy.  Many don't understand it and many think it is plain ridiculous.  My choice, my body.  I am not picketing on the street corners to save the shrimp (family joke) and have others jump on the bandwagon.  It is a decision that I made for myself to take care of this body that God has given me because it is the only one I got as well I really love to eat this way.  I really feel that I have gained some really great food choices.  That is something that was a fairly big change for me. 

That was one decision or change that I made in 2011 that showed a "moving forward" sign in my life instead of a step backward.  Check my inventory list - physical changes - check - doing better. 

In 2011 I changed my roles at the Credit Union a few times.  I am working with the public again and I love my job.  I wrote in my letter to apply for my new position "I believe that this is the job I have been training to do for the last 10 years."  I love to help and encourage people and I get to do that everyday!!! Wow! Isn't that great?  Okay, inventory list - growth at work - check - improving everyday (with the help of great co-workers).

In 2011 I found myself going through a bit of a spiritual desert.  I complained and blamed others for why I was not involved in a local church.  I did not commit to a church body because... (you can fill in your reasons because mine sound quite stupid as they go through my head right now).  One day I made a decision - SHUT UP and do it.  Not the most spiritual revelation that I have had but it did the trick.  I made a decision to SHUT UP with all of my excuses and follow God's leading in my spiritual growth.  Step out of the comfort zone which included going to church if I felt like it and joining in if it worked for me.  Self centred you may say Heck yes I was (and still am).  Joined a small group which was really great and started going to church regularly with a willing spirit instead of a closed one.  What a difference that makes?

My inventory checklist for 2011 was looking better and I have to say that this has been my best January in a lot of years.  I am thankful for those that have the patience and love to help me along the way in my personal growth.  Where would we be without those that come alongside us and push us forward (sometimes screaming and kicking)?

2012 might be your year to step out, step up and move forward.  I am hoping that in January 2013 I will be able to go through my checklist and see that I have accomplished what I set out to do.  Hey honey!  If I can do it so can you.

Saturday 10 September 2011

462 reasons to not go to church

1)  Norm gets more welcomes entering the bar then we do when we go to church
2)  The church is full of hypocrites
3)  The church has aided in my suffering of the dis's - disappointed, disillusioned, disheartened, disenchanted.
4)  No one cares
5)  It is too hard to break into all the cliques - again goes back to #1
6)  The messages are boring
7)  The singing is dated
8)  I have been hurt by... and I cannot forgive what they have done to me
9)  Why get dressed up when I can just watch it a great speaker on TV at the couch church
10) I worked all weekend and I need one day to sleep in
462)  The church is there for the people that need it and I don't.  I am fine on my own!

I am not sure if you would adopt to any of the reasons listed above or if you are in between 10 and 462.  There are many people that have not gone through the struggles each Sunday of whether to get up and go to church or whether to stay home.  Their reasons might be as simple as "this is what we do" or "this is what my parents did so this is what we do as a family."  You may be one of those parents that are forcing your teenage children to get out of bed and go to church each Sunday.

I grew up in the church.  I remember going from a very young age where we would dress up in our Sunday best, put our hair up in curlers the night before and look picture perfect entering the church as a family.  The children remained sitting in the services with their parents trying to not fall asleep and listen as the pastor spoke.  We attended church on Sunday morning and evening and mid week for bible lessons.  I never resented it but just did it because this is what you did.  Church has changed a lot since I was a kid.  We can go to church in jeans, we don't sing out of a hymn book and we are not scared into becoming Christians by watching some movie about being left behind.  Church has become a more comfortable, inviting place to come to yet so many of us don't want to be there. 

I have friends and family that have made the choice to not attend church - I made the same decision myself over the last couple of years.  Is it the right decision?  I guess you have to decide for yourself.  I have come to terms with a few things though.  The people and the church are always going to disappoint!  There is always going to be someone or something I see within the church that is going to leave me with a "yucky feeling."  We do not live our faith 24/7.  We are not the same people that walk down the streets, work in businesses, telling jokes, watching movies that walk in the door on Sunday morning.  So, as number two says "we are hypocrites."  Not a big revelation at all (a little sarcasm).  We should not be putting on a different mask for the different occasions in our life.  It is kind of like those undies that you can get for different days of the week.  Which mask am I going to wear today?  Coming on a little bit too strong?  Sometimes it is necessary to push a little bit and see if people are listening.  I am not stepping up on the soap box to point fingers.  It is hard to live what you believe in anything 24 hours a day.  You may be on a "take care of myself plan" - you are eating well, exercising daily, drinking a gallon of water.  Good for you!  But every once and a while you blow it just a little.  Mine was the other day when I just thought I needed to have a Dr. Pepper.  I had not had one all summer.  The first sip was great and after that I did not enjoy it at all.   If we profess to be Jesus-followers, believers, Christians it is a daily thing not a "Sunday" thing.

We live in a 'small world' and we are noticed for the way that we behave in our jobs during the week and how we interact with others.  We are noticed when we are out on the sports field or the hockey arena.  If we are seen in church; we are watched outside of the doors.  It is like the paparazzi.  They are always watching and waiting to catch us in the place or in that predicament that will be splashed all over the front page of the tabloid.  Even if we are of the mind that we do not go to church but we still worship God from our home we are being watched.  Maybe you don't care.  Maybe you feel the same way as popeye when he said "I am what I yam."  Totally your choice.  But, if we do profess to be Christians and others know then maybe we need to do a little inventory, a little self analysis.  How do I want to be perceived?  How do I want people to see me?  Do I want to help people to see what Jesus can offer them or do I want to hinder it?

There are a lot of reasons to not go to church.  I have used many of them.  I have been disappointed with people in the church and the "Sunday christians."  I have been let down.  I have been hurt.  But, in the end we have to make a decision of whether or not that is going to break us or change us.  Is it going to be something I am going to learn from or is it something that is going to stay with me and fester within so that I become bitter with the church as a whole because of one person's mistakes.  There is a verse in the Bible that I love and would like to share with you.  Hebrews 10 - "Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.  And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back is drawing near."

Yes, there are at least 462 reasons to not go to church but I can think of a few reasons that I/we should go.  We need to be there to grow in our faith, learning from others, studying God's word together, helping one another in our spiritual journey.  We need to be there for ourselves and for others but I believe that God wants me to be there.  To come to a place to worship Him in a group with others that need Him just as much as I do.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

The three things I hate in life...

So, I work in a industry that pushes customer service which is a great thing.  You know the old saying "the customer is always right"?  Well, if you don't you should.  I know that we live in a world where we are pretty darn proud and have a hard time admitting when we are wrong or letting someone else believe we are wrong even though we may not be (I know a bit of a run-on sentence).  We might see this sort of service to others as a servant type position or something beneath us but don't you like to be treated well by the people that serve you?

Whether you are filling your car up with gas, buying something at the local store, enjoying lunch at a restaurant or trying on clothes at a boutique you want to be served appropriately.  An acknowledgement - hi! how are you?, a smile, look into your eyes, focus on helping me and not chatting with a friend while you serve me, end off with a have a great day or enjoy the movie and say it with meaning not scripted. 

Why am I on a rant you ask????  I was served at a store in our community by a young little chickie who felt it was okay to smack her gum and blow bubbles while she served me.  Another store I was served in they did not break their conversation between the two salespeople while they served me.  Small little things you say but enough to question whether I will go back to them.  I have worked in a few places over the years where I have handled complaints and the small things are what you hear about - and they tick people off.

So, when I walk out of a store with my daughter I will ask her what did you think about the service in there?  She has really become aware of the importance of doing a good job and treating others the way you want to be treated.  I would prefer to leave a place and say wasn't that great service instead of ... I am not going back in there again. 

So, if you work in an industry where you get tips work hard to earn them and if you don't word hard anyways  because the person you are serving is helping you keep your job.  I think we would rather see commendations on our appraisals instead of complaints.

Might be coming on a little strong but the three things I hate in life are:  laziness, whining and bad customer service.