Sunday 15 January 2012

A New Year, Another Year Older, New Opportunities

January can be a tough month for me.  It's January and it is usually cold which prevents me from going biking or jogging outside.  It is my birthday month and sometimes it is not so much the growing older part that gets to me but more so have I seen a change in myself in the last year.  Have I grown spiritually and emotionally but not physically (I am not trying to grow in that area - my hips are a good size and I don't want them getting bigger)?  That is the part that has me dragging my butt and feeling the winter blues hit.  Have I become a better person and grown into the individual that God has called me to be?

In the past year I have changed up my eating.  I have been eating healthy and left meat and dairy for others to enjoy.  Many don't understand it and many think it is plain ridiculous.  My choice, my body.  I am not picketing on the street corners to save the shrimp (family joke) and have others jump on the bandwagon.  It is a decision that I made for myself to take care of this body that God has given me because it is the only one I got as well I really love to eat this way.  I really feel that I have gained some really great food choices.  That is something that was a fairly big change for me. 

That was one decision or change that I made in 2011 that showed a "moving forward" sign in my life instead of a step backward.  Check my inventory list - physical changes - check - doing better. 

In 2011 I changed my roles at the Credit Union a few times.  I am working with the public again and I love my job.  I wrote in my letter to apply for my new position "I believe that this is the job I have been training to do for the last 10 years."  I love to help and encourage people and I get to do that everyday!!! Wow! Isn't that great?  Okay, inventory list - growth at work - check - improving everyday (with the help of great co-workers).

In 2011 I found myself going through a bit of a spiritual desert.  I complained and blamed others for why I was not involved in a local church.  I did not commit to a church body because... (you can fill in your reasons because mine sound quite stupid as they go through my head right now).  One day I made a decision - SHUT UP and do it.  Not the most spiritual revelation that I have had but it did the trick.  I made a decision to SHUT UP with all of my excuses and follow God's leading in my spiritual growth.  Step out of the comfort zone which included going to church if I felt like it and joining in if it worked for me.  Self centred you may say Heck yes I was (and still am).  Joined a small group which was really great and started going to church regularly with a willing spirit instead of a closed one.  What a difference that makes?

My inventory checklist for 2011 was looking better and I have to say that this has been my best January in a lot of years.  I am thankful for those that have the patience and love to help me along the way in my personal growth.  Where would we be without those that come alongside us and push us forward (sometimes screaming and kicking)?

2012 might be your year to step out, step up and move forward.  I am hoping that in January 2013 I will be able to go through my checklist and see that I have accomplished what I set out to do.  Hey honey!  If I can do it so can you.

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