Tuesday 5 July 2011

The three things I hate in life...

So, I work in a industry that pushes customer service which is a great thing.  You know the old saying "the customer is always right"?  Well, if you don't you should.  I know that we live in a world where we are pretty darn proud and have a hard time admitting when we are wrong or letting someone else believe we are wrong even though we may not be (I know a bit of a run-on sentence).  We might see this sort of service to others as a servant type position or something beneath us but don't you like to be treated well by the people that serve you?

Whether you are filling your car up with gas, buying something at the local store, enjoying lunch at a restaurant or trying on clothes at a boutique you want to be served appropriately.  An acknowledgement - hi! how are you?, a smile, look into your eyes, focus on helping me and not chatting with a friend while you serve me, end off with a have a great day or enjoy the movie and say it with meaning not scripted. 

Why am I on a rant you ask????  I was served at a store in our community by a young little chickie who felt it was okay to smack her gum and blow bubbles while she served me.  Another store I was served in they did not break their conversation between the two salespeople while they served me.  Small little things you say but enough to question whether I will go back to them.  I have worked in a few places over the years where I have handled complaints and the small things are what you hear about - and they tick people off.

So, when I walk out of a store with my daughter I will ask her what did you think about the service in there?  She has really become aware of the importance of doing a good job and treating others the way you want to be treated.  I would prefer to leave a place and say wasn't that great service instead of ... I am not going back in there again. 

So, if you work in an industry where you get tips work hard to earn them and if you don't word hard anyways  because the person you are serving is helping you keep your job.  I think we would rather see commendations on our appraisals instead of complaints.

Might be coming on a little strong but the three things I hate in life are:  laziness, whining and bad customer service.